Know the 13 kinds of skin rashes that can affect children
From heat rash to viral rash, here are some common skin disorders that can affect kids and simple ways to treat them. Skin problems in kids can vary from mild to life-threatening conditions and affect the quality of life. Common skin disorders affecting kids include the following: 1. Viral rash Viral rashes usually appear as small reddish-pink flat or raised spots along with fever, sometimes diarrhea or cold symptoms. They spread on both sides of the chest, stomach and back. They can present with oral lesions as well. They last for two or five days. Viral rashes may be accompanied with decreased energy, loss of appetite, headache, muscle ache and stomach ache. 2. Scarlet fever Scarlet fever is associated with strep bacterial infection and presents as generalised erythema of the skin. It usually starts on the upper chest and quickly spreads to the lower chest and stomach. 3. Diaper dermatitis Diaper rash is irritation and redness of the skin in the groin ar...